Participation (medezeggenschap)


Participation, Influence and Feedback

Since our establishment in 2016, student and parent engagement and input have played a significant role in our school. We have established direct parent and student advisory groups that collaborate with the school, provide advice, and occasionally help organise activities for the school.


Student Advisory Group

The Student Advisory Group (SAG) consists of a group of 8 students, aiming to represent the student population as effectively as possible. The SAG constructively contributes to discussions about education and the school. The SAG regularly organises activities for students, such as school parties. The SAG meets 4 to 6 times per school year and holds discussions with one or more representatives from the school, often including a member of the school leadership.

The SAG can be reached at:


Parent Advisory Group

The Parent Advisory Group (PAG) consists of 8 parents who provide advice, support, and feedback to the school as needed. The PAG maintains contact with parents and regularly attends parent evenings. The PAG meets six times a year and organises two parent meetings annually. A representative of the school leadership is fully or partially present at the meetings and gatherings.

The PAG can be reached at:


Participation Council

A representative from both the PAG and SAG is delegated to participate in the Participation Council, which also includes two teachers.

The Participation Council can be reached at:


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